Firehouse Glass Artists

Greg Lueck - Founder of Firehouse Glass, Glass Artist
See Greg’s work here!

Andrew Lueck - Firehouse Glass Studio Manager & Instructor, Glass Artist - Valley Blown

Serina Hill - Firehouse Glass Lead Shop Technician, Glass Artist - Small Mountain Studios

Andrew Holmberg  - Glass Artist - Andrew Holmberg Glass

Andy Paiko - Glass Artist - Andy Paiko Glass

Josh Hancock - Glass Artist - Washougal River Glass

The top row of pictures feature an average day in the Hot Shop at Firehouse. In the first image, Josh Hancock (Washougal River Glass) creates some custom glass for some customers while Greg Lueck works on the other bench. Andrew Lueck is creating a cup with Greg Lueck assisting in the second image. Third image in the top row is Greg and Andrew again working on one of Greg’s “Pond” trumpets. The bottom row feature some process shots from creating Greg’s latest series “Grandma’s Couch.”